(A Branch of Sri Ramakrishna Tapovanam, Tirupparaithurai)

Accredited with ‘B’ Grade by NAAC

(Affiliated to Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai - 97.)

Ariyakulam, Maharajanagar Post, Tirunelveli - 627 011.

Mobile: 7598415215


Library plays a very important role in any educational institution. Library fulfills the educational purposes of the students. Library is the part of their education. As educational institution is fully committed to the imparting of knowledge, our college started its acquisition of books from 2007 onwards.

We have a special collection of subject dictionaries, Gazetteers, Lexicons, Encyclopedias and competitive examination books, Books, Journals, Magazines, Book bank Books, Specimen Copy Books et.,

No. of books in the library:

Total Number of Textbooks Total Number of Reference books Total Number of Journals Total Number of Magazines Total Number of E – information Resources CD & DVD
6180 909 18 4 30

Services :

Students are enjoying Open Access system in the library. An average of 60 students is visiting library daily.

Reference Service :

Reference books such as dictionaries, subject dictionaries, encyclopedias, gazetteers, year books, directories, are available at library, and the staff are ready to help the students to search information.

Referral Service :

The Librarian guides them to the resources, where it is available and have to search.

Clipping Service :

The Xerox cutting of newspaper, periodicals used to be put up on notice board for the benefit of the users.

Circulation Service :

The students can use 3 library cards, they could take 3 books at a time. They can keep the books for 7 days.


1. The Library will be kept open from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. through out the year except on second Saturdays and Government holidays.

2. Absolute silence should be observed in and around the Library. Students using the reading room should not disturb and distract the attention of other readers. Failure to observe this will result in severe disciplinary action.

3. Three borrower’s tickets will be given to each student at the beginning of the course. A student who borrows a book shall keep it well covered while it is in her use. She will be responsible for the books borrowed by her.

4. A student who loses any book should make a written report of the same to the Librarian and the Principal. She should replace the lost book or has to pay a fine at 300% of cost.

5. Students should not carry any book or any printed material into the Library. Only note books and loose sheets of paper are allowed inside the Library.

6. Students should not write, damage or make any mark on any book, periodical, manuscript or map belonging to the Library.

7. Students are entitled to keep a book for 7 days from the date of issue. At the end of the period the book should be returned to the Library. It can be renewed for another 7 days unless there is a request for the same book.

8. Sub-lending of college library books or exchange of tickets among students is strictly prohibited.

9. Books due falling on holidays may be returned on the next working day.

10. All books must be returned to the library on the notified date, before the end of examination. If any student fails to return the book on the date specified, the Hall ticket will be issued on condition as per DC proceedings to her until the book is returned with fine or replaced if the book is lost.

11. Bags, tiffin boxes and books must be left at the entrance of the Library.

12. Absence from the college will not be considered as an excuse for delay in the return of the book. Books will be issued or received from 9.00 a.m., to 9.30 a.m., 1.15 p.m. to 2.00 p.m. and 4.20 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

13. When a book is borrowed from the Library, it should be examined carefully. If there is any damage it must be immediately brought to the notice of the Librarian. Otherwise, the last borrower will be held responsible for the damage and should either replace the book or pay for the damage as fixed by the Librarian @ 300% cost.

14. The tickets and books borrowed from the Library should be returned when a student ceases to be a member of the college. Neither the transfer certificate nor the conduct certificate (nor Hall Ticket) will be issued to a student, who has not returned the books and the tickets issued to her.

15. All books must be returned to the Library four days before the end of Examination.

16. The Librarian has the right to check each student before she leaves the Library.

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