(A Branch of Sri Ramakrishna Tapovanam, Tirupparaithurai)

Accredited with ‘B’ Grade by NAAC

(Affiliated to Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai - 97.)

Ariyakulam, Maharajanagar Post, Tirunelveli - 627 011.

Mobile: 7598415215


Application Form

Application for the B.Ed Course should be made in the prescribed form which can be obtained from the college office on payment of Rs.100/-in person or Rs,120/- by post. The requisition should be made to the principal mentioning the qualifications and percentage of marks in Major and Ancillary Subjects in the U.G. degree.


Female candidates who have secured minimum OC-50% Marks,BC-45% Marks, MBC -43% Marks, SC-40%, Marks in part III – Major and Ancillary subjects in the U.G degree could seek admission for the B.Ed. course. Graduates and Postgraduates with any one of the following major subjects : Tamil, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and Commerce are eligible for the B.Ed. admission. A Certificate of marks obtained from the University or the college must be enclosed along with the filled-in application form for the proof of marks in part III, Part IV (Main and Ancillary) of U.G.Degree, if the marks are given in grades. The S.C,. S.T and handicapped candidates with a pass in the above mentioned subjects are eligible for admission.

The marks obtained by the candidates in part III and Part IV in the U.G,Degree will be considered for admission.

Submission of Filled-in application :

The filled in application should be sent to the Principal with the following Xerox copies (Two Sets).

1. X, XII Mark Sheet

2. Statement of marks

3. Provisional / Degree Certificate

4. Transfer Certificate & Conduct Certificate

5. Community Certificate

6. N.S.S. / N.C.C. / Distinction in sports

7. Certificate for Differently abled

8. Physical Fitness

9. Passport Size Photo 1

10. Stamp Size Photo 1

Prospectus -

Application Form -

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